Sunday, November 14, 2010

Embrace The Monster Within...The Lady Gaga Effect

Lady Gaga...what does she stand for? When I look at Gaga what do
I see and feel? Whats the secret to her success? And why am i so obsessed? My belief is, through the powerful medium of music she reveales the concealed wierd, the oddness within, the inner monster.

What Lies Within?

I believe Lady Gaga has made herself a symbol of the weirdness within, the thoughts we have inside that only we understand. She is a symbol of the crazy trains of thought we wander off on. She is a manifestation of the worlds imagination, she is the opposite to emptiness, she confronts the world as a monster, a monster bearing gifts of freedom from the shackles of everyday life. She is what she calls a free bitch! And she frees others from normality and allows us to embrace the monster within.
And this works, this is the secret to her success. Though we don't like to admit it publicly, we are all a bit wierd to another person. We can never one hundred percent understand the way another person thinks, so really no-one can ever understand the way you, as an individual thinks. Lady Gaga is the anti-christ to brainwashing and conformity. In a politically correct world gone mad, she emerged as a person who breaks the social norm, this is what gained her all the negative press and slander. People feared her, the media attempted to segragate her by questioning her sex etc in my belief, as a way to make her appear too strange in a negative way. But it was too late, Lady Gaga had reached millions and millions immediately recieved there own personal message from her, including me, and my message from her is The Monster Message.

Disco Heaven
The Importance of Music

In the song Lady Gaga-Monster, there is two lines that really reach me and probably many others as
 extremely important lyrics in my life they are: Find your freedom in music, Find your jesus, find your Kubrick.

These lines are a projection of the Lady Gaga message, many people find love and hope and many other things in Jesus, and many people also find this in music. Music is my love, music has helped me through so much in my life. And what she is saying is find love and faith and hope and all things nice in music. That is what she offers, she offers honest music, in a catchy poppy way. Many people dislike her for pop style and catchiness and repetiveness but that is the key to her reaching the masses, but if those critics truly listened to her message they would understand the worship of Lady Gaga.
Have you ever felt lonely, so lonely your in pain? Have ever felt so angry, you could murder? Have you ever been so full of emotion you think your going to explode? Of course you have, and music can help you to regain a sense of control, by listening to it's message. Music throughout the world in history has had massive part to play in the overall make up of it all. Think about africans, they show there culture and solidarity and worship through playing music and singing or chanting. In relgion, people sing to their gods or messiahs, they sing hymns of worship to feel connected and to exclaim there love for there god and religion. Music is one of the most powerful tools in the world.

And Lady Gaga is just using it to convey her message not to just merely make millions of dollars.

So Happy I Could Die

Lady Gaga makes me so happy i could die, but how does she make you feel. Well don't imagine her as Lady Gaga the person. Imagine her as a piece of you. In her own words open your mind and your heart. You think you know yourself, but do you ever surprise yourself? Do you ever look back and go why the hell did I do that? Thats the Gaga within, you are Gaga, everyone is Gaga. Be happy that you are Gaga, whether you like her music or not, you should like her symbol, embrace the inner weirdness through her outer projection.

A person who says that theres no wierdness within, is a person who denies themselves the truth, and that person will never die of happiness. I pity that person, because the best way to die is of Happiness.
What i'm trying to say is, be yourself, be one with yourself, be who you feel you want to be. Show me your teeth, show me whats beneath. Do not conform, release everything within and live life as a whole person not someone who conforms to the masses. Become the individual in your own way, become a little monster!

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