Friday, November 12, 2010

Gods of The Celebrity...Paris Hilton and Simon Cowell

I often ask myself what kind of celebrity I would be. It always consists of the same questions, would the money go to my head? Will I be popular or hated? Would I have talent, or would I be famous from my actions? And here I show the two celebrities in which I envy, respect and look up to in almost every way, these two are my aspiration and I explain why and how I would be if I was in the same position in life as them.
Paris Hilton

To be Paris Hilton, there would be a lot of fun, I would meet lots of amazing people. I would get so many opportunities, but I would also get bad press and lots of it. But isn't any press good press? Isn't Paris Hilton the face of that statement? Hasn't she discovered that she can gain money and fame by merely pretending to be fickle and over joyed by simple things? 
Paris Hilton is in fact an idol of mine, she is a business woman, she intended to get fame, from her already high profile life. She managed to shoot herself into fame with one act of sexual kindness on video. Is this wrong? I personally would not be able to do this (not just because I love my partner very much) but because I could never be that desperate. But I say desperate, t was it an act of desperation or an act of intelligence, did Paris know that this would rocket her to the lips of many around the world? My opinion is yes she did! And that is why I would aspire to be like her, a woman who is determined enough to reach a new limit is a woman who should be feared and respected. 

I as a person have only minor things in common with Paris, I am firstly and foremost not female, but I do love fashion, fame, beauty, and all things gluttonous. I also see myself as a business, I intend to push myself into the limelight, I want to feel the fame, I want to be the centre of the worlds attention even for just a day, but could I reach the same limits as Paris Hilton did to reach her current fame. Could i degrade myself to in turn raise the bar on the opportunities in which my life can achieve hold of. I know my profile would hardly gain me fame if i was to make a sex video, but what I'm asking myself is if I was offered an almost definite chance to be famous but first I had to do something seen as shameful would I do it? And my answer is as long as it didn't hurt another person emotionally or physically...yes! I would definitely do it, to gain a foothold on that platform I would, not because I'm fame hungry, no because I'm opportunity and experience hungry in fact I'm starving, I want to feel every emotion, I want to do everything I can in my life, and if I was anywhere in life that Paris is now then for me I would feel a massive sense of pride and achievement.

Simon Cowell

Simon lives a life of honesty to his fans, he doesn't lie, he carries a torch for himself. He openly loves himself, to be Simon would be a massive change of scene from a single bed and beans on toast.
He is in my opinion one of the cleverest stars on the face of this planet, yes he makes mistakes (such as Kelly Brook on Britain's Got Talent), but he learns from them quicker than anyone. He has achieved so much, and never once sold himself out or done anything shameful to boost his profile, he has been a constant throughout the media, never faltering his star appeal. His honesty and brutality is an enviable trait. 
The X factor, Britain's Got Talent, American Idol and Pop Idol, were all a stroke of brilliance and I myself applaud his brains and kick myself for not being born twenty years earlier and having that idea.
To be Simon would mean that I would have to degrade others, sit through hours of bullshit, and always be wondering if famous people were only interested in me as I could boost there profile. Well if i was Simon I'd never give a shit, I'd just get on with it, and live it and love it to the maximum, whether people are using me or not, the truth is as Simon Cowell I'd have Cheryl Cole on one arm and millions of pounds on the other. He seems to have it all, beauty around him, friends, a great job, money and a family, and the prospects of an amazing future (such as marriage and most probably a knighthood). The man is a legend and if I was Simon Cowell I would be proud to say "I'm Simon Cowell, and I could buy you, and you'd love it!"

Ultimately I must say that yes the money would go to my head, but only in a way that would make me happier. I would still intend to love and share this with my friends and family. I would be business minded and sell myself as a product and I would see no shame in boosting my profile through almost as many means as possible, in order to have the ability to voice myself and my emotions from a better position in the world in which to reach a larger audience.

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