Friday, November 12, 2010

Shine The Light On Our Sight: The Good The Bad and The Fugly-An opinion on the Muslim fanatics burning Poppies

I spend my life watching people, seeing the world move around me, don't get me wrong I participate in life, but I love to stop and look. It's not that I judge people but I more study them, I ask myself, why do people say what they say or do what they do. In my life I have met thousands of people, and some have made a lasting impression and some haven't, some for good and some for bad and some are just fucking ugly.

The Good, The Bad and The Fugly

What is good, who am I to judge or decide? But who am I to sit back and keep my mouth shut when all I want to do is talk! To me a good person is a person who is kind to others, generous, helpful, understanding, thoughtful, honest, pure and loving. To me a good person would help me if I was hurt, and not talk about themselves they would listen, they advise, they would smile for me when i cannot smile. The good would not leave a person alone in there hour of need, the good would love whole all others hate. The goods soul would blaze while others freeze. The good is an aspiration, the good is what many want to be, but can ever reach this, as the badness is always too much temptation. The original sin resides within, it consumes, but it doesn't devour.
We may be bad, but there's good within, there's a heart, there's a smile, there's a moments hope. The bad can still be good, but never actually good, only a a flicker of goodness. And to me that is a good thing, the bad do he things that need to be done. The bad help this world progress, the bad teach us lessons, the bad teach the Fugly a lesson, they remove the fugly when the good cannot. Badness is an essential part of this world, and i say don't knock it until you've lived without. So what I'm saying is shine your light back at yourself, shine your lght to your judgement, and remember the bad are a necessity. The good need the bad, and the bad need the good, but what the world can do without is the Fugly!
And to me, the fugly are the bad who contain no good, have never done a good deed, and do not care.They do not so bad for others ever. They are the selfish, those determines on anarchy those who bring hate through the path of love. For example the disgusting activists who chose to brand themselves as Muslims when truthfully they are a small faction of Fugly's nothing like the majority of Muslims (for example one Muslim said to me whilst discussing this "the more i see bad stuff go on, the more passionate it makes me about doin good") the Fugly's who on remembrance day England 2011 decided to burn poppies and protest the 2 minute silence in memory of those who lost there lives in the war. These are the fugly, and it is the job of the bad to remove them, because the good would be determined that they are able to be rehabilitation, whereas the bad will do what the good cannot and remove the Fugly.

So the good are great and bad are wrong but the bad are needed, for the fugly to be stopped. I am proud to say I'm not fugly, i am ashamed to say I'm not good. But at least I can say I'm only bad!

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