Thursday, November 11, 2010

Student Rights NOT Student Riots!

On 10/11/2010, I and a large group of other students and lecturers from my university joined 52,000 other students and lecturers from around the country to embark on a peaceful protest, it was amazing. It was a intense experience, the thunder of people's chants passing down through the streets of London was incredible. The drums, the flamboyant people, it was more a parade of the eccentricity in which students are renowned for worldwide.
But ultimately everything we were marching for was undermined, by a group of yobs who thought that by smashing windows, lighting fires and more importantly putting there own and other peoples precious lives in danger they would get heard. Well my reply to this disrespectful and mindless act of stupidity is Fuck You! How dare they take things to such an extreme, what kind of a human being believes it acceptable to harm another innocent human being. It achieved nothing, it has given the co-alition the oppurtunity to hide behind the violent acts.
My question now is, will our voice be heard or will it be disregarded as a mindless assault on the governement just for the sheer enjoyment? Did i march fo hours in the November cold for nothing or did I march for myself, my fellow students and students of the future? I here, right now am an angry student, angry at other students, which is exactly how it shouldn't be.
I understand there anger, i feel there anger. But there are other ways to vent that anger, these people in my books are not people at all, they had no realisation of the reason for there being there. And they have possibly ruined what could be one of the most historic days of my and many other students educational life.
But I don't want to bog it all down with this, I want to say that I am proud to be british, and I am proud of the amount of people who managed to protest in the way it was my opinion it was a briliant proof of exactly how many people are angry and upset. But it was also a reminder of how many people there are out there who are just as bad as the lies we are spouted by our governement!

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