Monday, March 23, 2009

45 Ways to become Alex Humphrey's Husband

A 23-year-old British college student says she's incorporating her hubby hunt into a work of art called The Husband Project.
Alex Humphrey says her efforts to find a spouse will form part of her degree from Leeds College of Art and Design. The project is scheduled to end in three months with Humphrey including her marriage certificate in her final art presentation, reported
The Sunday Times of London.

"I don't want to wake up when I'm 30 and think: oh my God, I'm on my own," said Humphrey, noting she is "looking for a relationship, not just a shag."
Humphrey narrowed responses from more than 150 men to a shortlist of 10 men with a sense of humor and as tall or taller than Humphrey.
There's a video interview with Ms Humphreys.
Her first date with Adam Mussett, 27, a student from Greenwich University went well. Still, Humphrey said she will date all 10 and may even fly to Chicago, where one prospect lives.
Mussett said he, too, had a good time but understands "if you go to a shop you don't buy the first thing you see."


My name is Alex and I am a 23 year student in my final year at art college.
As part of my course we have to complete an FMP (Final Major Project)For mine, I have decided to do something a little bit different and ensure that I am remembered for years to come! I have chosen to focus on the subject of marriage and am going to attempt to find myself a potential husband over the next three months.
I plan to explore many avenues, including speed dating, arranged marriages and of course internet dating.
This is something I am really serious about and would love to be able to exhibit a marriage certificate in my final exhibition!

Questionnaire for all potential husbands

1. Where we you bought up?

2. What do you do for fun?

3. What would your ideal Sunday consist of?

4. Where would you like to go on holiday?

5. Have you ever been travelling?

6. What are some of your favourite things?
7. (Food, places, etc)

8. Can you cook?

9. What is your favourite food?

10. Do you read a lot?

11. What was the last book you read?

12. What newspaper do you read?

13. Do you enjoy sports? If so, which ones?

14. What kind of music do you enjoy?

15. Top 5 TV programmes?

16. What is/are your favourite film(s)?

17. How much time do you spend watching TV?

18. How much time do you spend on the internet?

19. Do you play any musical instruments?

20. Do you drink, smoke or do drugs?

21. Do you have pets?

22. How do you feel about animals?

23. Are you religious/spiritual?

24. Do you live alone or with housemates/friends/parents?

25. What level of education do you have/are completing etc?

26. What are your political views?

27. What kind of job do you do?

28. Are you financially secure?

29. Do you have any brothers and sisters?

30. How important is family to you?

31. Have you ever been married before?

32. Do you have children?

33. Do you want (any more) children?

34. Why are you looking for a wife?

35. What would you consider to be your good and bad points?

36. Any what do you think others may consider to be your good and bad points?

37. How would you describe your sense of humour?

38. What do you consider attractive in a woman?

39. What do you consider unattractive?

40. Put these in order of preference:

Looks, Age, Location, Ethnicity, Job stability, Sense of humour, Taste in movies/music etc, Hobbies, Values, Ethics

41. Where would you take me on a date?

42. What are your favourite activities?

43. Are your parents still married?

44. How many sexual partners have you had?

45. Are you good in bed (be very very honest!)

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