Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Dear Reader: Stop Being A Cunt

Dear Reader,
Look at yourself, and ask yourself, am I a cunt? My answer is yes definitely, I know I am a cunt. I think most of you are Cunts, but not because your mean. But because your not nice enough, I'm a Cunt because, I don't give to the needy, I don't help others enough. I don't stop and do something wonderful to another person once a day, I don't help old people across roads,  I don't buy a homeless person a coffee, I do stare at crazy people in the street. The list goes on, I am sure you have a list of things you should do but don't. Can anyone truly say they aren't a bit selfish?
I believe there are people out there that are definitely not cunts, but they're not appreciated enough any more. We live in a world full of Cunts, we live in a world that is obsessed with itself and the negativity that scourges the media and our lives.
It's time for change, in a world that's threatened with war upon war and the economy in self-destruct mode, we're going to need each other. We need to make ourselves responsible for everyone else, forget about our lives take part in everyone else's, help those in need, if everyone just put themselves out their the social boundaries would change, the world would change, and ultimately you own life will change.
I need to change, I will be the first to admit it, I am a cunt, I'm irresponsible self-obsessed but at least I can see this, and I am going to change this. In the words of the late Michael Jackson "I'm starting with the man in the mirror!". His message should live on, though he had controversy his message was clear, and we should follow it not just listen! But I will say it more plainly once more, this world is full of Cunts, don't be a cunt!
This is me begging you, practice love, practice kindness, be the good guy! Please drop the past, and be true to life, the world is in pain, it cries for our help. People out their are fighting for survival, there are children at the side of the road having to sell their toys in the middle east, just to eat. While we in the west squander our money on a mountain of useless presents that will be thrown into the back of a cupboard.

Young girls are having to sell there bodies, be abused and used to be able to eat or to get clean water, while girls in this country use there body as a weapon to get what they want not what they need. Where is the justice in this world?

So take a look in the mirror, take a long look, and ask yourself who you are?
I just want to say that this is not about sitting here behind my laptop insulting you! But it is about making you feel bad, and I am using the word Cunt as I know it is a strong word to use in order to provoke you, I want you provoked, but I want you mad at yourself, because I am mad at myself, and I'm on a massive learning curve, my life's ambitions have changed all because of these thoughts that I am projecting. And I will feel accomplished in life if I get at least one of you to do one act of kindness. Life is about lessons, and I am in the middle of my biggest one, and am dragging you, the reader through it too. So join me in the fight against being a Cunt!

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