Dinner with llll and se (: at ajisen! craving for it since 123456789 yrs ago man.haha.had my volcano ramen(the one with alot of chilli).spicy is love! (:
walked around jp and dropped by 7-11 before going to our usual place.i feel so cheated! just cus the cup is printed with maplestory and diff material,i have to pay more?!?! moreover it wasnt written anywhere to indicate that?! and when i asked why,the person was like 'cus it can be reused' like wth? u think my house got no cup? i came to buy drinks not the cup leh.bleh!!!!! seriously i felt cheated.roar! but the two of them found it amusing to see hear me complain.haha.
anw had a mini wow (: and went to the usual and talk talk.so much laughing too.haha
today (:
anw had a mini wow (: and went to the usual and talk talk.so much laughing too.haha
today (:
swimming with se and sy (: swam and suntan.sy went 30 rounds?!?! stong determination!! haha.rain came and we had to leave the pool.proceeded to sauna.i love the feeling of perspiring alot alot.refreshing! (: 2nd part of the day was in the lib.not productive ): was too tired.wasted so much time staring into space and slping.bleh!
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