Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Home of the Beeston Katz

The Home of the Beeston Katz PIZ LISTENING TO [Anthrax - Madhouse best of album] So dudes, not much blogging going on yet from the employed members of the BKs. As the only shameless lay about with no job at the moment (technically I am actually still employed but not allowed in the office) I thought it best to start the Blog off with some random chat as you lot will all be at work.

So where does a lonely 'resting' BK start? To be honest it's been quite busy so far, I am only on the first day of my second week and I still haven't slept in!!! Admittedly I have been going to bed really late (2am, living life on the edge) but I have been setting the alarm and getting all the personal admin out of the way earlish. Usuaully get up around 8ish, have a nice breakfast and then read my emails (send babble to you lot) and check post / organise stuff in piles, 'reference', 'to do', 'waste' and and 'for shredding'. This is real cutting edge stuff folks.

To be honest I had been dreaming about getting some nice Gardenling Leave [SEPULTURA - WAR FOR TERRITORY] for a while back because I was getting stale in the old place and I guess I engineered my moved to the new team as part of a desire to get out of that comfort zone. As luck would have it that was the best move I could have ever done, we were bought out a mere two months after I joined. Thing is now I have all this time, I am really not too sure what to do with it all, I like a routine (such a bloke) and have been careful not to just spunk all the time up the wall. But to be honest, I need to think about going away as I have done all the needs doing in the immediate future.

So that's where I am, looking on the t'internet for some nice flights to the West Coast of the USA to visit Alf (remember him?) and then off to Mexico for some shameless beach and cocktail action. I am not too keen on going on my own but I guess I am a big boy now and need to just go for it. I hate talking to randoms but I am just going to have to get on with it. I sort of don't feel like I need to go away as I am not too stressed at the moment, come the first week of the new job I guess I will be feeling that big time. Memo to self, remember the time off and make the most of it...........

So dudes, I am off to book some flights and prepare for the lazy afternoon ahead. [Napalm Death - Prime Time] Got some swimming, footy and then X box time pencilled in. Oh I am popping over to have dinner with Doris too, I am going to make some lamb harissa kebabs with couscous with a little creme fraiche and chive dressing.


[Slayer - Postmortem]

If anyone wants a playlist making just let me know and I'll knock one out and post the CD over. I like making mix Cds.

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