Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Home of the Beeston Katz

Hear me now!! Or should I say watch me sweat and be sick.....

Not too much to report today, just a bit of expactication and some Mayan Ruins.

I went diving this morning. I can't say I was full of beans, that had (has) something to do with the Solo Drinking mission I went on last night. I went for some steak and got a bit carried away with the Malbec then thought it a good idea to go wondering down the beach, I found an awesome bar (nice warm red lights, loungers right on the beach, massive Vodka Tonics. It was proper chilled out) and managed to get myself pretty leathered without even uttering a word to anyone except the waiters. In fact in these last four days I have not really said a word to anyone.

I digress, anyway I got up early and rushed my breakfast down (error number one) and went to the dive shop. For some reason I had what you might call a bad feeling about this one, and true enough as I rocked up I realised I was the only person to go out on the boat. Whatever, I thought that it might be good to learn something from the instructor.

So all was going great, we did the first dive no problem the sea was a little choppy but nothing major and I saw a massive Baraccuda and got back into the swing of things.

Before the second dive it all started to go wrong, before I jumped in for the second time I got seasick in the boat, vommed a couple of times but decided to carry on and dive anyway (error number two). I regretted that decision when I was 5 metres underwater. I had been feeling rough all dive but it started to go wrong after 15 minutes. I knew I was going to be sick but I thought that I could keep it together until we depressurized and got back on the boat. It took what felt like an eternitiy to get to 5 metres below the surface and we waited, and waited......you have to wait 3 minutes before you can surface. Then it came.

Vomming in the mask was weird, I convulsed a few times and vommed out all the food and gunk out of the mask in three spurts, after each I blew loads of air out after and then had to breathe in (cos I had like 0 air left) hoping to God that I didn't breathe any of my own vomit back in. I just remembered my first dive instructors' words and how he said that you should just imagine it's your own mouth with a value......he was right but I waited until I was really gasping before I went for it. It was a big leap of faith but from where I was I didn't have much choice. Not nice I can say, my poor buddy wasn't too happy to watch that either, I guess I said it all with my eyes.

But I managed it without panicing too much and doing anything silly like taking the mask off or going to the surface too early. Just before I did see about about 6 turtles (they are bad) but the thing is I have these weird red spots on my face, I reckon they must be from the pressure as we went down to 26 metres on the first dive. I hope they go.

Mayan ruins provided a nice expactication free way to spend the afternoon, I got a colectivo 45 mins out of Playa and took loads of photos. Those Mayan fellas made some pretty awesome stuff for being around well before the nasty European Conquistadors rocked up, I got some awesome shots that I'll bore the lucky ones amungst you with one day.

I fly tomorrow morning so I'll check in with everyone in the coming days.

El Comandante Piz.

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