Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Looking Ahead

Women's Studies is still finished.

Oh, Fear not. There's still work to do. Most of it has to do with marketing and promotion of the film. My and Cindy's major focus is film festivals, though we're getting some other gears moving as well. There's still a lot of work to do, but it's a much less intense work flow. Frankly, I'm okay with that.

So what's up?

On the technical side, Aaron Shirley and I are working with another video engineer on getting an HD master made for the film. I'll let you know how that goes. Right now, all I know is that it's an expensive undertaking.

Women's Studies has been sent off for it's first batch of "pre-festival" reviews which could start rolling in as soon as this week. The point of doing so is to get some blurbs to pad our press kit with. You know, things like "This guy makes Ed Wood look like Stanley Kubrick."

Joking aside, I'm actually pretty excited about getting some reviews because it'll be the first time someone completely objective will be taking a look at the movie. Up to this point everyone who's watched it has either worked on it or been a friend. All I know is that after looking at it for over a year, my ability to be objective is severely compromised, so it'll be interesting to see how the movie REALLY plays.

Speaking of press kits, the one for Women's Studies looks frakin' awesome. Co-Producer and Marketing genius Cindy has really outdone herself this time. We have an electronic version you can look at, but it really doesn't come close to the hard copy she's sending out.

And what about film festivals? I'm actually working on the first submissions today. I'm only to going to announce acceptances so as to where we're submitting, you'll just have to wonder. I imagine it'll be mid-summer at best before there's any première news.

I'm still going to try and update the blog every week, though much of it will be links to reviews and the like. I'll see if I get it in to me to reflect and pontificate on the whole experience though honestly, I'd rather just focus that energy into writing something else, maybe even a new script.

Stay tuned. Lots to come!

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