Wednesday, November 25, 2009


The latest drama to hit the dancehall circuit is a photo of Portmore Empire first lady Lisa Hype giving a "blowjob" to a male who many are speculating that it's someone from the Gaza.

However, up to late this morning when got the photo it took us quite awhile to believe that it was actually Lisa Hype giving sexual favors to the upset sex, until we received a statement from Lisa Hype.

You Can Read Her Statement Below

First, I would like to say that there is no excuse for a picture of that nature to be a part of the public domain. I admit that the picture is real, but it captures a personal act done in the privacy of my bedroom. I don't know how that got leaked to the media and condemn anyone who would stoop to such a low.

However, I understand that I am a public person, and when I say or do something, either articulated and thought out, it carries weight in the public arena. As a result, I must assume personal responsibility for my actions. I would like to apologise specifically to all my female fans who might be disappointed to see me in this light. However, I don't apologise for the act itself because it was done with a man that I truly and deeply love and respect, and it was done in the privacy of my bedroom. I did it, so what?

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