Tuesday, November 13, 2007

P-A-R-T . . .Y? Because We're Done!

This past Saturday the cast and crew shot our sole reshoot for Women's Studies. Afterwards, we got a bunch of food and booze and proceeded to consume, imbibe, and release.

As of this writing, it's Tuesday and my hangover is just today gone. I don't know if that's telling as to how hard I threw down, or as to how much my body can't take the revelry it once took fine in my early twenties. If you know the answer, please don't tell me.

It was quite a shindig. Joey Cabrera made his famous "donkey punch" which I was smart enough to turn down. I had a Dominican cigar, which I smoked with aplomb though no one else seemed inclined to join me. We had a bonfire which burned through the night. Food was everywhere. At certain points, we watched rush edits, raw footage, and even some of the cast's original auditions. It was a fantastic party.

And hey, we earned it.

It was a fine group of people who came together to shoot Women's Studies. I'll miss them all terribly. Sure, we'll see each other again, and rather soon I imagine. However, as a lot of the cast noted on Saturday, it'll never be in this way, to do what we did. But oh, the memories we'll have. I have a feeling we'll all be hard pressed to forget the adventure of the past five months.

So, raise a glass. Here's to the past, present, and future of Women's Studies, to fair acquaintances who became good friends, to all we've done together, and to everything we still may yet do.

(Pictures from the party are below. I'm honestly frightened and confused by what's going on in most of them.)

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Women's Studies
Joey Cabrera doesn't trust Tara Garwood's wild, "donkey punch" laden eyes.

Women's Studies
Oh Iris! What would your dad think?

Women's Studies
Forget partying. After five months of shooting, James A. Radack just wants to take a nap.

Women's Studies
Director of Photography Aaron "Don't Call Me" Shirley and Composer Ryan Sayward Whittier share a "special" moment.

Women's Studies
Dear God/dess, keep Tara away from the donkey punch!!!!

Women's Studies
9:30? Tiffany James doesn't care what time it is. (Though note she drinks no donkey punch.)

Women's Studies
I really have no idea what's going on in this picture.

Women's Studies
Sound Guru Sean Russell and Mundy Spears are not as sober as they look.

Women's Studies
Joey Cabrera achieves his lifelong dream: to be surrounded by hot women with his head in my crotch.

Women's Studies
See? Cindy and Tara actually really like each other!

Women's Studies
Nothing like a rousing game of "Vagina Ball" to clear out a party. (Laura Bloechl will show everyone at work this one.)

Women's Studies
The Cast's Last Hurrah.

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