Friday, June 12, 2009

Cherry Cherry Boom Boom

Helloooo, blogspot, my monthly affair!

Sorry la I never update for so long, i'm a lazy piece of art, ohohoho! OK la, got some stuff that I could blog about, but those happened so long ago so they not coolzx anymore so blog about them for what right?

SO since i'm leaving for Malaysia (again) tomorrow, I thought I should at least blog about something... so i'm gonna be cheapskate and complete a facebook quiz here. HAHAHA suckers! I'm just gonna kope this from yh's blog, and it's supposed to be for girls only, but hehe screw that.

Does your Facebook password have to do with a boy?
-Eh, male, but not a boy... a really ugly male

What's one thing a guy can do to make you like them?
-Lady GaGa

Are you a girly girl?

Big or small purses?
-Big! Buy me a clutch and I will carry it around

Do you enjoy drama?
-Of courseeee drama is what we livveee foorrr

Did you dress up on Halloween?
-No but if we had a halloween party i'd dress as a flower

Do you call anybody by their last name?
-ya SEAH

Can you put on mascara without opening your mouth?

Have you ever been called a bad influence?
-yes, but i'm so nice

Do you think your pretty, honestly?
-well my ankles are quite pretty

Eyeliner or mascara?
-oh no i really don't know i'll get back to you when i do try ohohooh

American Eagle or Hollister?
-har i dunno the clothes they sell are like the same... but AE since hollister reminds me of a cheapo version of A&F

Heels or flats?
-flats but i can put girls to shamewith heels ok

Skirts or jeans or dresses?
-jeans, but one day guys will wear skirts and dresses! just you wait!

Straight or curly hair

Hoops or dangling earrings?
-har why only got prostitute jewellery

Have you ever had your heart broken?

Do you prefer light or dark haired guys?
-ohohoho now we're at the fun part! dark

Do you have a best friend?
-no, but I have a few good friends, and that's enough

Do you like your life?

Ever walked into the guy's bathroom?

Have you ever jumped in the pool with your clothes on?
-yesss when we were young and freeeeee

Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
-what kind of nonsense is this, OF COURSE NOT

Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind?
-yes, but that's a good thing! it shows you're still aliiiive inside

Do you ever wish you were famous?
-AS MUCH AS you all think i do, i'll probably get too lazy halfway and give up trying to be (famous)... so nope, but recognized, that'll do. i mean, you want to get famous so easy, go have sex with someone underage then post on youtube loh.


Preppy or Punk/goth?

Contacts or Glasses?
-har no preference...

Good cook or take you out a lot?
-Good cook, but still goes out a lot. ehehehehe

Funny or Serious?
-seriously funny omg that was such a clever answer i rock man

Cute or Hot?
-what.. why only got these two.. tsk. neither

Long or short hair?

Smoker or non-smoker?

Tall or short?
-short(er) (paedophile)

Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
-WAH BEST, you're coming home with meeeeee
-but if you happen to be fat sorry go away

If you ever want to live to see another day, you're forced to snort cocaine, would you do it?
-yes of course

If you woke up in one of the Saw movies, do you think you could survive?
-omg no i'd probably die before i even do anything

When is the last time you were in a photo booth taking pictures with friend?
-ehh.. 3-4 months back?

Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided seeing them?
-Yes, but who ask you never say hi to me first

On average what do you think you cry about the most?
-har i haven't cried in years... so i'll change it to what upsets me the most: how singapore's a first world country... but with citizens with third-world mindsets... and also how i've wanted a new mattress for years already but my parents always say yes but never buy me a new one :( oh and why god invented AIDS... i mean shit man

Who was the last guy you talked to?
-tranny YE! what..? guy what

Do you think best friends can be replaced?
-yes, because later your best friend die how? must get new one what

Does the last person you held hands with mean a lot?
-OMG TAN LI *** from primary 6B, I HOPE YOU DIE OF KIDNEY FAILURE nehnehpok tear my textbook and say by accident waste my $9.40 make me buy new one *@!@#(

Do you think you have made a difference in anyone's life?
-huh no, if anyone gets inspired by me... that would be really creepy

Which friend do you tell the most?
-it's a seeecreeett

Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
-it's a seeecreeett

Where's the weirdest place you've changed clothes?
-in my friend's car?

Are you going anywhere next summer?

Are you shy?
-yes i'm so shy it hurts

Are you talkative?
-if i like you then yes

Do you secretly like someone?

Are you good at hiding your feelings?
-i don't really hide my feelings... but then again i look like a rock most of the time

How is life going for you right now?

Do you trust people easily?

Do you give out second chances easily?
-no, i still hope that stupid girl gets kidney failure

Do you smile a lot?
-oh no, I don't know... i don't think so

One thing you're looking forward to?

How do you feel about change?
-necessary. If we haven't changed at all we'd still be burning women on stake for being witches... and hunting leprechaaauuns

Have you ever cried from being so mad?
-no. the only time i got so mad that i did something was loong ago. I slapped that stupid girl Chee Yi *** and then she fell down hurhur WHO ASK YOU BLOCK MY WAY

Last time you got a text message and smiled?
-a few minutes ago

Have you ever regretted letting someone go?
-yes. (but if i let you gooooooo, i will never knoooww, what my life would be, holding you close to mee) westlife sucks

Do you prefer to be around people, or by yourself?
-I like being in crowded places, but by myself or with a good friend or two

If you were abandoned in the wilderness, would you survive?
-i honestly donno.. but i watch a lot of martha stewart... i know how to skin chickens and stuff

Yay quiz done.

omg i'll be in the dense forested rural country (in case anyone here gets offended by this don't sue me cuz i dun mean it) of malaysia while lady gaga's in singapore. gwararhgh BRYAN YOU BETTER TAKE A PIC WITH HER so i can photoshop my face on yours.

Ok, short, cheapskate, post! That's all!

xoxo, jit

PS. I'll blog more when i get back la. Promisssee. 7 days! Don't miss me!

P.P.S you all better tag me!! i blog because i care for you. we all live for the faaame

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