Sunday, November 28, 2010

Endless Possibilities of Fighting With A Blank Canvas

I saw a man, he was slumped alone in the doorway in the cold. His eyes looked faded, as though he could not see life any more, just the death that consumes it. He looked vacant, he looked alone, the windows to his soul were wounded. He was wounded. How did he get there? I immediately assume drugs. But I'm probably wrong, he looks at me, he notices me noticing him. But he doesn't care, he can't really see me, and he assumes I can't see him. He lowers his head, as though a submission to his emptiness, his unimportance in life. The pain in his face looked old and withered, and I felt pang of guilt and empathy. How could I not? 
This man had suffered so much tragedy, I could see it. He thought himself pointless, I could feel it. Could he really be to blame for this? Could you really say, well he probably put himself there in the first place. Is that the right thing to say. Isn't he a person? Aren't we entitled to make mistakes. 
But what I really want to know is, did this man fight? Did he cling to life? Or did he go down without a fight? This man could of been there for so many reasons, but what had brought him to give up. To vacate this world in preparation for his inevitable end.
Shouldn't he always fight for his right to live the life with love. Does someone miss him? Is there any tears being shed for him out there? Is there a home for his weary feet? 
I wish I could see his footprints in the sand, to know if he could fight, would fight, should fight. If there is no love for him, is he right in giving up. Does he shed a tear at night, when he lies alone in the cold, no warmth, no home. This man, this sunken shell of a man, his emptiness.

Peel back the layer, break down the walls, tear down the sky. Un-paint the picture, erase the story, and just see the blank expression on my face. I am a canvas, an endless possibility. I become me. Isn't becoming what you would call me one of the most beautiful things on this Earth. Aren't we as an individual just an intense array questions, answers, emotions, opinions. Don't we as a singular person exist alone as an entire universe. Should we really explore the world when we need to explore ourselves. Is that not the next step in evolution?
The world has so much to offer, but as a human as a person, we have everything to offer. We are the master of our own possibilites, our future.
Take up your mind your soul and your heart and paint your own picture, don't go down without a fight!

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